The gardening season has been on for about a month now. I opened The Garden Continuum for the 2010 year on March 15th. It has been wonderful to visit all the gardens we care for to see how they are emerging from the winter. This year I have decided to reach out and connect with clients on a more personal level...something that has been missing for me since 2007 when I suffered a neck injury that took me out of the game for a spell. The reconnection with the people has been the most fun of all. Our clients are fabulous! I am reminded of why we connected in the first place and am inspired by their new stories - both the sad ones and the happy ones.

By revitalizing these connections I am coming away with a feeling of being empowered to keep on in the Landscape Industry. There have been times when I have felt like just hanging up my claw and clipboard and saying Bye Bye to the professional gardening world. Designing and selling jobs alone is not enough to inspire...it is the people and the plants that keep it rich. If you aren't connecting...you aren't inpired. Now, I feel like "Yes, I can do this." Hear the roar of the Garden Warrior!...or something like that.
There is this universal process of manifestation and transformation going on in life and it is crystal clear to see in the garden. One day there is nothing, the next there are buds, then blossom, or shoots then leaves. This is ENERGY that is

Plants in this time of year are literally bursting forth announcing their existence and their right to live and grow and flourish in this world. The sun is a perfect symbol of the

So, rather than staying parked behind your computer for eight hours or rushing around day in and day out with out a moment of rest...take a short break next time to see the sun shining. Turn toward that fiery orb, lift your face to receive the light, close your eyes and breathe in slowly and deeply in until your lungs are completely full. Rest for a moment with the breath in you as you feel the heat penetrate your skin. Then slowly release that breath. Repeat at three times. if you can.

Happy Gardening!